Tsipras Meets New Defense Minister Apostolakis

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met with his new Defense Minister, Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis, at Maximos Mansion on Monday at noontime.

”The decision to appoint Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis as defense minister was a message to all sides, both within Greece and abroad”, Tsipras stated.

Referring to the reasons why he chose Apostolakis to cover the ministerial position left by Panos Kammenos, the Greek prime minister said that it sends a clear message regarding continuity in the sensitive area of the armed forces and defense.

He added that “it is also a message to foreign countries that regardless of any differences that we may have within our country, in terms of defending our sovereign rights, that all Greeks will be united.

“These countries will find us united whenever they decide to try anything that challenges our sovereignty,” Tsipras concluded.

Speaking with Apostolakis, the prime minister noted that he believes the Admiral will serve with the same devotion, reliability and honesty as he has done all these years as a sailor and later as a leader of the armed forces.

For his part, Apostolakis thanked the Prime Minister for the honor of entrusting him with the daunting task ahead.

“It is a great honor and responsibility,” Apostolakis noted, adding that he will “try to do the best that can be done in today’s circumstances”.

Admiral Apostolakis also noted that unity is very important at the present time, since the political situation in which the nation currently finds itself calls for the cohesiveness of the Greek people.

SOURCE: greekreporter.com



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