Escobar and the war between Giannakopoulos and Sportime newspaper

Dimitris Giannakopoulos has moved on from Al Pacino to Pablo Escobar, and Sportime newspaper reads this as a direct threat against it

A few days ago had jokingly referred to Panathinaikos basketball club and amateur division owner Dimitris Giannnakopoulos being quite partial to Tony Montana, the top gangster whose role was masterfully played by Al Pacino in the famous “Scarface” film.

The excessively active dpg7000 Instagram account that belongs to the Panathinaikos basketball club strongman has recently gone overboard. An upload a few days ago was a long way from delicate, and generated a negative impression to those reading it: “You faggot, you call a truce and then you file charges? You will deeply regret it”, it said, actually reading far more obscene in Greek.

dpg7000 οροθετικές μανάδες

Who was this threat directed to? Sources said yesterday the target was Sportime reporter Lambros Garaganis, who is said to have sued Giannakopoulos.

Last night Dimitris Giannakopoulos took it to another level: From the fictional crook and drug baron Tony Montana he moved on to a real one, Pablo Escobar. What becomes even more chilling is the upload of the ruthless Colombian drug lord:

Sometimes I am God, if I say a man dies, he dies that same day (Pablo Escobar)


The side of the charges was confirmed by today’s front page of Sportime, with the following words printed in white on a black background:

“Is it possible that the strongman of a basketball club can upload photos of Escobar? Is it possible that the chief executive officer of a pharmaceutical company can upload the photo of a gangster at his profile with the sentence ‘if I say a man dies, he dies that same day’?

“Should we assume this was coincidentally uploaded after an article on commenting on developments at Panathinaikos?

“How should we assess his comment against “HIV-positive mothers” of those who ‘will repent’ suing him? Maybe someone ought to investigate this situation? Are we wrong to think we may be in danger?

“We are media journalists in the year 2018 and we are not able to do our job without distractions, simply because someone thinks what he has decided will become reality.

“Could it be time for the journalist unions and other competent entities to take some action?

“Were the owners of the football clubs of Olympiakos, AEK, PAOK or Panathinaikos to use the social media in such a way, would it go unnoticed?

“Unless he comes out and say he was joking and that we were wrong to misunderstand him. He’d better come out and say it, so that we do not worry for no reason!”

On the question of what would happen should Olympiakos owner Vangelis Marinakis, or any other official of the club, dared to do a similar thing, the answer is well known by all Greeks who are in their right mind…




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