Quench Your Thirst with These Healthy Infused Water Drinks with a Greek Twist!

The craze of infused water has taken the world by storm, and we have the perfect way to add a Greek twist to your infused water concoctions.

Recent studies have shown that there are many health benefits of drinking infused water such as weight loss, increased hydration and a means of detoxing.

So, when you are in need of a beverage that quenches your thirst, why not choose one that is also good for you — with a Greek twist! Here are our top 3 picks:

1. Fresh Day Infusion

What you need: Mastiha + filtered water

One of the must try infusions you are sure to love is infused water with mastiha from the mastic trees on Chios.

This tree-trunk resin has valuable health properties such as aiding in relieving digestive issues due to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Mastiha resin also can help treat ulcers, help ease symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), help lower cholesterol, promotes liver health, and more.

Preparation of infused water: Head to your health food store and get some mastiha resin — you can even find mastiha powder — add some to your water and enjoy the fresh, earthy taste while reaping the health benefits.

Bonus: Add some fresh mint to your infused drink for a true Mediterranean experience!

2. Cherry Bliss Infusion

What you need: Cornelian cherries + Greek Honey + filtered water

Another great Greek twist you can add into your infused water drink is Cornelian cherries from Drama, in northeastern Greece.

Even Ancient Greeks understood that this magical fruit was a superfood and had many health benefits, as it has been farmed in Greece for over 7,000 years!

Similar to a tart cherry, Cornelian cherries have a potent astringent action and, therefore, have traditionally been used for curing diarrhea and dysentery. They are also valued in Greece for their potent tonic and restorative properties due to their elevated mineral content (such as being rich in copper, calcium, manganese, potassium and zinc content). They are also beneficial in promoting proper liver function.

Preparation of infused water: Wash them, cut them into halves, and add them to your water. If you desire to sweeten your cherry-infused water, add a teaspoon of Greek honey.

Bonus: You can also add Greek lemons to this drink for a concoction that tastes something like Cherry Coke!

3. Citrus Splash Infusion

What you need: Citron + filtered water + Peloponnese lemons + mandarins from Chios

Looking for citrus goodness from your infused water? Look no further than the Greek citron variety of Citrus medica which was initially cultivated throughout the Ionian Islands, particularly Naxos and Corfu, as far back as the 17th century.

What is citron? Basically, it is one of the original 4 citrus fruits (the others being: pomelo, papeda, and mandarin). This fruit is packed with health benefits and makes a great companion to your infused water drink.

Citron is valued in Greece for its abilities to prevent cancer, encourage weight loss, reduce blood pressure, lower acidity in the gut and aid in other digestive disorders, relieve pain, and strengthen the immune system — and much more.

Preparation of infused water: Just wash the fruit well with water, prick the thick skin with a knife to release the natural fruit oils, slice it, and add it to your water infusion. If you want to add extra citrus flavor, add some Greek lemons from the Peloponnese or mandarins from Chios! And, of course, you can always use some yummy Greek honey to sweeten your infused water drink.

Bonus: Add a sprig of mint or fresh thyme along with some cucumbers to this infused drink for an extra-Greek twist!



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