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Crisis: Crucial Tsipras – Kammenos meeting brought forward to Sunday

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s meeting with his junior coalition partner Panos Kammenos was brought forward to Sunday morning, according to a press release by Maximos Mansion on Saturday.

The meeting, during which the two sides will discuss the conditions for the dissolution of their partnership and their next steps, is scheduled at 10.30 a.m.

Earlier information pointed to a meeting on Monday afternoon following a phone conversation between the coalition partners on Saturday.

Kammenos, who leads the nationalist Independent Greeks (ANEL) party, had cancelled a planned meeting with Tsipras on Friday, due to a – temporary as it turned out – delay in the approval by the Parliament in Skopje of the Prespes accord, signed with Athens to resolve a 27-year-old dispute.

The prime minister’s office on Friday indicated that it gave its junior partner some time to decide on his next moves.

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) completed its side of the June agreement on Friday after it approved a change in the country’s name to North Macedonia along with several amendments to the country’s constitution.

Greek lawmakers will now have to ratify it in order for the agreement to be implemented. Kammenos has vehemently rejected the deal and has threatened to quit the coalition over the issue.

SOURCE: ekathimerini.com

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